Sunday 16 June 2013

Last weeks of Pregnancy 38 weeks

This week will be 38 weeks.  If baby arrives on time, I only have 2 weeks left of pregnancy.  I have mixed feelings.  The past 9 months, most of the time, I hated being pregnant, all the hormones and symptoms and discomforts.  But part of me is sad about the baby being out.

Baby is kicking right now.  I just ate breakfast and had a cup of tea, so I'm sure he got a little rush of caffiene and he likes when I eat.  He is doing little jerky movements.  I am trying to remember what it feels like, because I won't feel it ever again.  I have to remember what it feels like when his little foot bone is sliding across the top of my belly.

Some days, when he is active I play with his feet.  I touch his little feet and talk to him.  He tries to move his feet away from my hand, and I follow his feet until he hides them.

Ben sometimes plays with him too.  Well, Ben usually jiggles him and talks to him.  A few times the baby was sleeping and Ben jiggled him awake.  I was like "that was your daddy, not me".

One thing I will miss about being pregnant is my husband pampering me.  Sometimes I pretend to be too tired to cook and Ben cooks for us.  Although he cooks such meals as : hot dogs, frozen pizza, and deep fried chicken wings.   Sometimes I pretend to have a sore back and he rubs my back :-)

My favorite part about being pregnant (and there is a favorite part) is: I never thought it was possible to be so close to another human being.  Both me and the baby, and me and Ben.  Sometimes, when its the 3 of us are together, I never thought it was possible to be so close to anyone.  I feel like we are bound to each other.  I never thought God would give me such a huge blessing.
38 weeks