Friday 15 March 2013

Thoughts on being Pregnant in my Old Age

I don't understand  God 's wisdom.  Why He would decide that I would get married so late in life and then pregnant and having my first child at almost 35 years of age.  If its was me, I would have made it so, I would get married at 22 or 24 and pregnant at 26, and have this long lasting family with many kids.  That would be my plan.  Wasn't God's plan.

I wanted to have kids, but my 20's rolled by and I was single and my 30's were passing by and I was still single.  SO eventually those desires past by.  And then I accepted I wasn't going to have kids and my life, and my mind, molded around that.  And I was like, OK I'm different, I'm kind of a weirdo, but Jesus loves misfits.  Misfits can be the friends of Jesus.

I lived my life being the 'single woman with no kids', that was my box that everyone put me in.  Now I'm married and the baby is on the way.  So, my old friends, that I knew before, they can't deal with me.  Because I'm not 'the single woman with no kids'.  It seems like old friends can't wrap their head around the fact that I changed.

New friends are comforting to me, people that didn't know me before.  Because they accept who I am today.  A few of my old friends adapted.  I guess those friends really liked me for who I am.  I guess some friends, we can relate beyond a superficial level.

Life is always changing.  Even if its seems like things have been the same way forever, things will change. We need to accept people for who they are today and not hold their past against them.  God is able to forget our past and make us new.

Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.

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