Thursday 7 February 2013

18 Week Ultrasound Boy or Girl?

My doctor ordered another ultrasound at 18 weeks to make sure the baby was developing normally.  We would also be able to find out the sex of the baby if we wanted to know.  Of course we wanted to know.  I was tired of calling the baby "it".  I wanted to pick a name and buy some baby stuf.

So again, we saw the baby on the ultrasound screen.  The ultrasound tech measured the baby's head and feet and hands, and took pictures of the heart and kidney and all kinds of other things.  The baby was facing my back and she couldn't get the baby to turn, so apparently the pictures didn't turn out very well.

Then, finally the moment we had been waiting for!  It it a boy or gir?  The ultrasound technician tried looking between the baby's legs but the baby had its legs tight together and woundn't open its legs.  She kept trying to get the baby to open its legs.  She was pushing on my uterus and trying to jiggle the baby.  Finally the baby opened its legs and she took some shots.  Ben imediately knew....."Its a boy".  The ultrasound technician was like "Yes, its a boy".  And I am kind of.....slow.  I was trying to figure it all out.  I just couldn't understand how they knew it was a boy.  So I was studying the screen, and I saw legs, butt cheeks.....and I just coudn't understand.  So the ultrasound technician pointed the arrow between the legs for me and said "scrotum". 

I had another moment of nonsensical, I sometimes talk nonsensical when I get overwhelmed.  I was like "Oh, could it be a girl?".  And the ultrasound technician is like "no".

Baby's cute little feet at 18 weeks

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