Thursday 7 February 2013

First Ultrasound 12 Weeks

I remember laying on the exam table and the ultrasound technician was poking the probe around and I was watching the ultrasound screen.  It was such a tense moment, I was so nervous about what I would see.  Would there be a baby inside?  Or was it all a mistake?  Even though all the tests were positive, my body looked the same, and I felt the same, was there really a baby in there?

I will always remember that flash of a second when I saw the baby on the screen, then the baby disappeared as the technician adjusted the settings and tried finding the baby again.   It was unbelievable.  I saw a baby.

Ben was so happy and I was trying to talk but ended up saying nonsensical things.   I was still in a state of shock, like this is really happening? That baby is inside me?  The baby was having a nap.  The baby briefly woke up and it did a few little stretches, like it was relaxing on the beach, reading a magazine or something.  The baby had no care in the world.  And here I am, having anxiety and worrying about everything.  It was funny, how the baby was in its own world, completely unaware we were watching it lounge.

Some people don't believe in God, but seeing the baby makes it clear to me there is a God.  How could this baby be concieved and forming in perfect order unless there is a God who ordered this?  How could this all happen by nothing, by blobs of cells over billions of years?  No, there is a God who has made all these things happen, in perfect order.

At 12 weeks we saw the baby's little heart beating at 168 beats per minute.  The baby's little body was forming.

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

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