Thursday 7 February 2013

The Positive Stick

Something wasn't right.  I remember it was a Monday night.  "Uh, Ben....".  For some reason, he just didn't get it.  He was distracted with other things and he just said not to worry that everything would be back to normal soon.  A week went by.  All week, I kept trying to tell him something was wrong.  So finally after a week of trying to communicate this to him we finally bought a home pregnancy test.
I peed on the stick and we looked at the stick and it made the positive sign.  Now, this was really confusing. I was trying to figure out, does positive mean, pregnant or not pregnant?  We tried interpreting the stick in different ways, we tried turning it.  We looked at it more than five times each. Finally, Ben said "your pregnant, we are going to have a baby".
It was final.  The stick said "positive" and positive meant pregnant.  I just felt overwhelmed but at the same time I couldn't understand.  I had a brief moment when I felt like time stopped and God smiled at me.  I felt like God had surprised me with a blessing I had never expected, or imagined or ever planned for.

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