Thursday 7 February 2013

Random Thoughts about Pregnancy

Most of the time I don't have anyone to talk to about being pregnant.  I don't have any girl friends, just 2 male dogs and my husband.
Sometimes, I ask Ben pregnancy questions.  It generally does not help to ask a man pregnancy questions.  You will just get frustrated because they just don't get it.  Today I asked Ben:
"Do I look pregnant" he actually said "well, to me you look pregnant, but to other people you just look chubby".
Ever since I started getting bigger, Ben started getting bigger too.  Apparently he has a phenomena called sympathy pregnancy.  Even my DOG is getting fat. If I ever complain about my weight gain, Ben normally lets his gut hang out to show me that he's fat too.  Then he shows me Ray's fat tummy and Ray starts wagging his tail and they both start showing off their fat guts.  Like, that's supposed to make me feel better.

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